About The Kortum Technique

  About The Kortum Technique

What is The Kortum Technique?

The Kortum Technique

This diagnostic technique was developed over the last 38 years by John Kortum. He calls himself a 'Biological Intuitive'. When he was very young he noticed that when he looked at people, he would receive information about their health. At first he did not understand what was happening. Luckily, he was curious and continued to explore. Over time, he was able to fine tune the information and ultimately was able to scientifically validate what he was seeing in a busy medical practice in Maryland. He created this system and now teaches it on a limited basis.

He is able to see what he calls indicators. Each of our major organ systems offer these indicators to anyone that pays attention and anyone can learn how to 'see' the indicators. The indicators present in levels he calls degrees (1st, 2nd, 3rd). A first degree is more mild vs a third degree indicator. Some indicators are specific to men and others to women.  An example of an indicator would be the 'Blood' indicator. If a person shows this indicator, they likely have an issue with their blood 'ingredients'; anemia, vitamin deficiency, cancer and etc.

The indicators can inform the viewer of: what organ system(s) is(are) our of balance, if it is out of balance currently, if it was in the past, if its OK now, of if there is likelihood a future imbalance is on the way or if all is well. If will also offer the level of imbalance - 1st, 2nd, 3rd degree. Third degree would be the most serious imbalance. A person with a third degree imbalance would likely already be very ill and they might already have a conventional diagnosis. A person with a first degree indicator might have no symptoms or the body might be warning that a future issue is looming if there is no change made.

Over time, he also learned that each indicator has an associated 'perceptual vitality' that might be out of balance. This perceptual vitality is often emotional in nature. If a person shows an organ system indicator, they might benefit from evaluation of the associated vitality. For example,  a person with a 'Blood' indicator would want to consider their intimacy with the world and those in their lives. They would also want to visit their physician and have a blood workup.

 This is a highly effective and scientifically validated diagnostic system. Everyone should receive a reading and learn what their body has to say.

I am very skeptical about any healing modality and I simply will not use it in my practice or receive it personally until I have evidence that it works. I have witnessed enough to know this works.

Of course, the usual disclaimer applies: this is not intended to diagnose or treat any disease.

Contact us for a free initial consultation to find out more about this system and how it might help you.

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