About the bengston energy cure / hands on healing

  About The Bengston Method / Energy Cure / Hands On Healing

We practice The Bengston Method and it's important that we explain this profound system.

The Bengston Energy Healing Method® is an innovative healing technique that has been shown to be effective on a wide variety of conditions. Though Bill Bengston will be the first to tell you his system is not an energy healing technique and that his publishers forced him to name it an energy healing technique.

The core of the Bengston Method is Image Cycling™. The technique is actually quite simple to understand, but challenging at best to implement. It seems to take time and dedicated practice to become proficient.

What basically occurs is this:

The 'practitioner' creates a written list of selfish desires or situations that he/she would like to be in, in the future.  The list should contain at least 20 items. On this list is a simple description of the desire as if it is already achieved (future now) and one image that represents that achieved desire. The images CANNOT be general, like “I want to be happy” , "I want to be rich' or “I want to be healthy.” Instead, the images must be recognizable when accomplished. Each desire and corresponding image is focused upon until there is an emotional response. Any item with no emotional response must go off the list.

Then, the practitioner puts the images in their minds eye and then begins to cycle through the images quickly. The goal is to cycle through the images faster and faster until they are a blur and running at ultra-high speed. Once the practitioner can cycle at ultra-high speed and then move this ultra-high speed image cycling out of the conscious brain, they are officially Image Cycling™ correctly. This is typically very challenging at first. I know I struggled for some time.

An example of an item on a list might be a new car (lets say a white Audi convertible as an example). The list would indicate I have a new white Audi convertible. Then, there would be one image of how that new Audi would look for you. Maybe you see yourself polishing it in your driveway or out cruising with the top down. Another example might be you desire healthy ankles so you can play basketball. Thus, your list would state something like I have healthy ankles or my ankles are fully healed. And the image might be one of you playing basketball with your friends.

It turns out, for a reason which continues to elude Dr. Bill Bengston PHd, if a person cycles correctly and consistently, items on their list will tend to manifest into their lives in unexpected manners.  Also, and this is a big deal, if you image cycle for someone and they are ill, they will tend to heal. This Image Cycling™ is especially adept at curing illnesses that require 'something'  to be removed from the body. It does not work for all illnesses and you will only heal if it is your destiny to heal.

Interestingly, one can Image Cycle while holding 100% cotton and also while holding water. The cotton and the water will take on or absorb the healing information or 'charge'. The water can be consumed internally and the cotton can be placed on the body, under a pillow, in your shoe and etc. The 'charged cotton' and 'charged water' will have a similar effect to Image Cycling™ and works regardless of any belief and even on animals. The cotton must be disposed of after use and should not be reused. The Image Cycling™ healing information can also be recorded to a device (such as a phone) and played back anytime a healing is desired (though it has proven to be less effective than an active session).

Bill has been researching and testing this for 35 plus years. The applications of his techniques have been, and continue to be, tested under strict laboratory conditions in many independent labs and medical schools. Many peer-reviewed articles based on these evaluations have been published in professional biology and medical journals. This does not make his data “true,” but it does give the added benefit of having gone through rigorous scrutiny.

Here is a link to one of his published studies using image cycling to successfully treat lab mice with breast cancer:


What is a session like?

Simple, if it's an in-person session, the client typically lays on a treatment table, while the practitioner Image Cycling™. The practitioner will place their hands on the clients body especially if there is a specific area that needs attention (though, this is not required). The best cycling occurs when it is done in the background, so the session requires no attention to the cycling or the illness.  The most powerful sessions occur when the practitioner  performs other tasks and/or the client and practitioner chat about any unrelated random topic during the session.

Remote sessions are available as well and many practitioners and clients prefer remote phone or zoom sessions. In fact, technically a call is not required and a practitioner can perform Image Cycling™ for you remotely at a predetermined day, time and duration.  They can also send you charged cotton or/ or charged water if needed or they can remotely charge your cotton or water as part of your treatment plan.

The session is complete once the practitioner either loses interest in the session or the sensation of energy flowing down the left arms stops. In- person clients can receive charged cotton and /or charged water if needed.

What, if any, sensations will the client experience?

Clients sometimes report tingling sensations or feelings of 'energy' movement in their body during and after a session and others report no sensations. Regardless of sensations, or lack of, the healing is occurring at the rate that is ideal for you and continues even after the session is completed.

This method is also applicable to your pets or really any living creature.

I am very skeptical about any healing modality and I simply will not use  it in my practice or receive it personally until I have evidence that it works. I have witnessed enough to know this works (ask me about how it healed me).

Contact us for a free initial consultation to find out more about this wonderful system and how it might help you.

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